I'm Ann "Annesiac" Persicaria, and this is my totally awesome website. I first made it to write articles about games and media, but since then I've expanded to also add stuff like a gallery for my art and things like a simple blog. This is still primarily for me to write articles and stuff, though, which are mostly focussed on games and showcasing my own personal thematic interpretation of them, as well as analysing specific aspects of games from a design perspective, but mostly everything will be a thematic/narrative analsysis of games I like and stuff about them. Occassionally I may dip into other types of article, perhaps just a plain old review here and there if I feel I've played an especially excellent game I'd like to share but don't feel like I have anything too interesting to say on it. I listen to a lotta music too, and occassionally watch a movie here and there, and if I really feel like it, I might write articles on those too! Music will probably take the form of mostly shorter and simpler album reviews, while movie articles will probably be similar to the gaming articles, though I don't watch that many movies so they'll probably be very infrequent.
Other than articles, I'll also be using the website to host a gallery for my art. I draw digitally and traditionally, though I prefer traditional and I rarely make more than a sketch anymore, but anything I feel is worth showcasing can be checked out in the gallery. I draw a lot of fanart of the media I like, but also have a few "original" works too! I also have a small yet humble cabal of OCs that I draw a lot of, though mostly silly doodles and sketches. I also produce music which will also be showcased in the gallery, though often it will just link to the appropiate Bandcamp page. Occasionally I fancy myself somewhat of a photographer which I've decided to also showcase here, though it'll be much more infrequent than my other forms of art as photography isn't my main medium for art, but all my art that is publicly available can be found somewhere in my gallery if you're interested in that!
So uhh, yeah
thanks for checking my site out!